ADA Compliance

We have implemented the appropriate policies, best practices and procedures to help all of our guests enjoy their Cadence Lodge experience, including:

  1. Modify our policies, practices or procedures to ensure that individuals with disabilities can make reservations for accessible guest rooms during the same hours and in the same manner as individuals who do not need accessible rooms.
  2. Identify and describe accessible features on the property and our guest rooms offered through our reservations system in enough detail to reasonably permit individuals with disabilities to assess independently whether a given place of lodging or guest room meets his/her accessibility needs.
  3. Ensure that accessible guest rooms are held for use by individuals with disabilities until all other guest rooms of that type have been rented and the accessible room requested is the only remaining room of that type.
  4. Reserve, upon request, accessible guest rooms or specific types of guest rooms and ensure that the guest rooms requested are blocked and removed from all reservations systems.
  5. Guarantee that the specific accessible guest room reserved through our reservations system is held for the reserving guest, regardless of whether a specific room is held in response to reservations made by others.

If you have any questions about our Lodge or need assistance with a reservation, please contact us directly:


Phone:              (518) 534-2335


Our website allows you to search for accessibility features in guest rooms with ease and details our property’s accessibility features.  Visit our Lodge Accessibility page for more detail.